Jun 5Liked by Lily Ottinger

typo: 狗头报名 ---> 狗头保命

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Jun 5Liked by Lily Ottinger

Thanks for making this available to all. Love the Doge rabbit hole link!

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Jun 4Liked by Lily Ottinger

The South Korea thing, while possibly odd to us, is picking up an interesting correlation. Some Chinese, independently or as part of Party narrative building. Or an inspired Party member, noticed that yes indeed, South Korea turns out every incumbent, and then ends up prosecuting them, since becoming a democracy. It is easy to see how an authoritarian country can use that as a "dunk" against a democracy that talks down to countries with other governmental systems and to point out flaws of democracy. It is also a fate one might want to wish on one's enemy. So, it is kind of perfect.

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Jun 4Liked by Lily Ottinger

" notorious for bots, censorship, and towing the Party line, so ..."

Toeing: lining up your toes along a line.

Being drilled like prisoners or soldiers, not pulling on a rope.

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Jun 5Liked by Lily Ottinger


You're welcome.



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Thank you, good to see some anti-CCP on Substack to counter the worshippers of the CCP, Xi and Mao, like Jeff Brown, Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung—know them? Keep it up.

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Amazing that apparently even Chinese people insult their government by calling it incorrectly the CCP which does not exist the proper name is the Communist Party of China the CPC. This acronym (CPC) is used everywhere in the Global Times and other Chinese publications as well they should. In the US it (CCP) is clearly meant as an insult.

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