Love your work. Not your best piece. The comparison between a Trump or Biden administration was quite superficial, and you were decidedly uncritical towards Biden. I'd be interested to know why you prefer a Biden administration, however a Biden/Harris administration is too flawed for anyone to convincingly argue for it without addressing the serious concerns that come with it, even contrasted with a second-term Trump/Pence administration. Thankful for your content.

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Hey Martin, thanks for reading and for the feedback! I think the biggest concern one could have toward it would be that the multilateral approach they're considering taking would 'let Xi off the hook,' though the Biden advisors I've seen discuss this seem v cognizant of this and all recognize that the US-China relationship has changed considerably since they were last in the White House. I'll admit I have given the Biden campaign $100 so am not the most objective observer in this regard.

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Thanks for the piece Jordan. I firmly believe that Biden would be far more damaging to Xi than a second Trump administration and I think its quite clear if you take an internationalist rather than a bilateral approach. Simplifying in this brief comment, but for every bit of 'damage' that Trump inflicts on China he inflicts more than that unit on the USA and its standing. This creates space for China to fill (even if a marginally weakened China as a result of tiffs with USA). A Biden presidency might be smoother sailing in the short-term but would keep or rebuild US credibility and remove the space for China to fill, that's before we move onto the role of effective alliances. Either way, we are debating your article in the YCA slack if you want to check it out.

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