I'm a former sub nuke, and I have a quote from Rickover as a plaque in my office:
"Responsibility is a unique concept... You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you... If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance or passing the blame can shift the burden to someone else. Unless you can point your finger at the man who is responsible when something goes wrong, then you have never had anyone really responsible."
It's a concept that is sorely missing from many places nowadays.
Incidentally, I did have to interview with the Admiral in charge of Naval Reactors, the position that Rickover once held. I didn't have to sit in the famous chair, but it was on display outside of the office.
"Similar to how the Manhattan Project reduced risk by pursuing parallel technological approaches, Rickover would reduce his bureaucratic risk by pursuing parallel chains of command. This unique structure lives on to this day, with Naval Reactors shared between the semi-autonomous National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) in the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Navy."
I enjoyed the article till I got to this point. IMO, you jump to mistaken connections here that threaten the rest of your work.
Having worked for DOE(NE) at INL where DOE and the Navy focus on powerplants, I've never heard of "National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA)". I don't think it exists. There is a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) BUT IT BUILDS NUKE BOMBS
I was in Naval Officer Candidate School in 1975/76. My room mate was a NUPOC, Nuclear Power Officer Candidate. He told me the tale of his Rickover interview. He showed up at 0800 and was ushered in to the office. Rickover took one look at him and ordered him out of the office. He left and went out and sat down in the outer room, he had been warned by friends. At 5pm, 1700, Rickover buzzed the secretary to ask if he was still there. She said he is and Rickover told her to show him in. An hour later he was in the program.
Zirconium … showed promise as a fuel cladding material due to its durability … without blocking the emitted neutrons needed to enable fission reactions. -> it is more correct to say “without absorbing”
“bureaucratic innovation to position himself within two chains of command” -> it was actually three (all were important and still the case today)
"he also maintained direct lines of communication with every nuclear sub commander and project officer on-site with contractors"
This is true. The X link left out that each ship commanding officer and many other site senior leaders had to write monthly or weekly letters (called "Admiral's Letters) to him. Unlike the pinks, they were also read by the staff. Sometimes Rickover would assign staff action (no doubt placed in a tracking system) with a note in the margin of the letters. These were called "J Notes."
"he also maintained direct lines of communication with every nuclear sub commander and project officer on-site with contractors"
This is true. The X link left out that each ship commanding officer and many other site senior leaders had to write monthly or weekly letters (called "Admiral's Letters) to him. Unlike the pinks, they were also read by the staff. Sometimes Rickover would assign staff action (no doubt placed in a tracking system) with a note in the margin of the letters. These were called "J Notes."
This was a very interesting and important story on a Great Leader and Independent Organizer. In every area, you can really improve procedures and get better results. I would say that everything can and should be optimized. You should never automatically accept traditional standard approaches. Ask yourself: What is the objective function? What are the constraints? What are the most important processes? Are they linear or nonlinear, deterministic or stochastic? What is the optimal operations research approch to such a problem?
Nice article but it misses the point on why the US will never beat China for future tech and industry.
In the US private companies compete for money first and the good of the country second. China builds the country and those that helped the most get a bit of extra money.
This is also the basis of the differences of capitalism and Socialism. Socialism is about improving the social fabric of society. Capitalism is about improving capital at a cost to the social fabric.
I suspect all of the people who have suffered through countless colour revolutions would agree with you.
While capitalism places millions into poverty socialism is bringing millions out of poverty.
I am an Australian living in Asia. I see the building of a Cambodian middle class everyday. Living in a town where most people lived in wooden huts 10 years ago are now living in cement houses with modern appliances.
During Covid I was stuck in Australia and was homeless. Living the van life which I very much enjoyed. So many other once middle class Australians were with me. We made the best of it and saw more of our own country then those living in one place due to debt survitude for a dream that is no longer reasonable. Owning your own home. Most young Australians will need to use their superannuation to pay off their home debt when they retire. The pension will still be needed even after compulsory superannuation.
Enjoy your capitalist race to the bottom. The socialist race to the top is for me.
Very excited to read more about Rickover
This guy sounds like Jensen
the jensen's jensen
I'm a former sub nuke, and I have a quote from Rickover as a plaque in my office:
"Responsibility is a unique concept... You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you... If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance or passing the blame can shift the burden to someone else. Unless you can point your finger at the man who is responsible when something goes wrong, then you have never had anyone really responsible."
It's a concept that is sorely missing from many places nowadays.
Incidentally, I did have to interview with the Admiral in charge of Naval Reactors, the position that Rickover once held. I didn't have to sit in the famous chair, but it was on display outside of the office.
"Similar to how the Manhattan Project reduced risk by pursuing parallel technological approaches, Rickover would reduce his bureaucratic risk by pursuing parallel chains of command. This unique structure lives on to this day, with Naval Reactors shared between the semi-autonomous National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) in the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Navy."
I enjoyed the article till I got to this point. IMO, you jump to mistaken connections here that threaten the rest of your work.
Having worked for DOE(NE) at INL where DOE and the Navy focus on powerplants, I've never heard of "National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA)". I don't think it exists. There is a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) BUT IT BUILDS NUKE BOMBS
I was in Naval Officer Candidate School in 1975/76. My room mate was a NUPOC, Nuclear Power Officer Candidate. He told me the tale of his Rickover interview. He showed up at 0800 and was ushered in to the office. Rickover took one look at him and ordered him out of the office. He left and went out and sat down in the outer room, he had been warned by friends. At 5pm, 1700, Rickover buzzed the secretary to ask if he was still there. She said he is and Rickover told her to show him in. An hour later he was in the program.
Two other comments
Zirconium … showed promise as a fuel cladding material due to its durability … without blocking the emitted neutrons needed to enable fission reactions. -> it is more correct to say “without absorbing”
“bureaucratic innovation to position himself within two chains of command” -> it was actually three (all were important and still the case today)
*Buships (later Naval Sea Systems Command)
*CNO staff (Vice CNO for nuclear propulsion)
"he also maintained direct lines of communication with every nuclear sub commander and project officer on-site with contractors"
This is true. The X link left out that each ship commanding officer and many other site senior leaders had to write monthly or weekly letters (called "Admiral's Letters) to him. Unlike the pinks, they were also read by the staff. Sometimes Rickover would assign staff action (no doubt placed in a tracking system) with a note in the margin of the letters. These were called "J Notes."
"he also maintained direct lines of communication with every nuclear sub commander and project officer on-site with contractors"
This is true. The X link left out that each ship commanding officer and many other site senior leaders had to write monthly or weekly letters (called "Admiral's Letters) to him. Unlike the pinks, they were also read by the staff. Sometimes Rickover would assign staff action (no doubt placed in a tracking system) with a note in the margin of the letters. These were called "J Notes."
This was a very interesting and important story on a Great Leader and Independent Organizer. In every area, you can really improve procedures and get better results. I would say that everything can and should be optimized. You should never automatically accept traditional standard approaches. Ask yourself: What is the objective function? What are the constraints? What are the most important processes? Are they linear or nonlinear, deterministic or stochastic? What is the optimal operations research approch to such a problem?
Nice article but it misses the point on why the US will never beat China for future tech and industry.
In the US private companies compete for money first and the good of the country second. China builds the country and those that helped the most get a bit of extra money.
This is also the basis of the differences of capitalism and Socialism. Socialism is about improving the social fabric of society. Capitalism is about improving capital at a cost to the social fabric.
Capitalism is peaceful voluntary exchange while socialism is violent involuntary theft.
I suspect all of the people who have suffered through countless colour revolutions would agree with you.
While capitalism places millions into poverty socialism is bringing millions out of poverty.
I am an Australian living in Asia. I see the building of a Cambodian middle class everyday. Living in a town where most people lived in wooden huts 10 years ago are now living in cement houses with modern appliances.
During Covid I was stuck in Australia and was homeless. Living the van life which I very much enjoyed. So many other once middle class Australians were with me. We made the best of it and saw more of our own country then those living in one place due to debt survitude for a dream that is no longer reasonable. Owning your own home. Most young Australians will need to use their superannuation to pay off their home debt when they retire. The pension will still be needed even after compulsory superannuation.
Enjoy your capitalist race to the bottom. The socialist race to the top is for me.
woke Naval Academy probably won't produce him.
Wow real leadership. Don't see much of that anymore. A man and a leader. We need him today.