Guys, amazing post again. Love the content!

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If I were Taiwanese, I'd be worried. There's no doubt China is watching the Ukraine situation closely to weigh its options. Its views on invading Taiwan seem to have grown considerably louder since the Crimea annexation and eventual Russian invasion.

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An extremely interesting article. Thank-you for providing such valuable information. I joined the United States Navy in 1975. Spent considerable time searching for Vietnamese "boat people" after the fall of Siagon. The direct result of the Americas abandoning South Vietnam. As my naval career came to an end I watch Afganistan fall as the United States abandoned our friends. Now, watch Trump had Ukraine over to Russia. If I had any advice to give to Taiwan is simply don't trust the United States. Just the humble opinion of an old sailor.

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I'm from Taiwan. Taiwan is important to US. However, if Taiwan is falling and US sees no end, US will try to make Taiwan become less important on paper to persuade US people to let go. Some people in Taiwan now is doubting US, but I think more of them is doubting Trump. Trump is a man with no commitment. I also want to comment the quotes from Taiwan's social media, especailly PTT. PTT now is deeply invaded by CCP's fake accounts. Many PTT's hot articles (爆文) are pushed by these fake accounts, trying to manipulate public opinions. That is why Thread becomes popular in Taiwan, because China people cannot directly register IG account. In Thread, at least you know you are talking to real people, not ghost in China.

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